• Colostomy,  Family,  Health,  Lifestyle,  Slider

    Lucy the Dolly with a Stoma

    During the week I had a visit from my friend Sam, she handed me a little gift bag with two little rag dolls in for my girls. Absolutely gorgeous little dolls with one fabulous feature: they both have little stoma bags. Just like me. I couldn’t stop smiling.

  • Cancer,  Slider

    Chemo Round 2 Update

    So, this is round 2 (or 3) depending on how you look at it. The fatigue hit me hard, as always and then as the steroids finished the pain started to kick in and oramorph was no longer helping so we moved onto fentanyl tablets which dissolve under your tongue (and actually don’t taste too bad – bonus!) which worked for a while, until the night that it didn’t and we found that we were calling out nurses every 4 hours, except for during the night when I attempted to get through on fentanyl. In the end, after tripling the dose of fentanyl to no effect, we opted for a syringe…

  • Cancer,  Slider

    Going, uh, Viral?!

    This post is basically a big huge whopping “THANK YOU” from me if you shared my Facebook post. I am extremely thankful to every single one of you who clicked share, or commented/liked etc. You are helping me to get my message out there and believe me, I have so much more to say! I’m not sure if you can say it went viral, but it’s the closest I have ever come so I’ll take it!

  • Lifestyle,  Slider

    Happy Mail

    These days people don’t often send things by post. It’s too slow, we can always just give someone a quick text or a call, e-mail, whatever. In fact, mostly, we just tend to get bills or online deliveries in the post. My husband will tell you, we get lots of online deliveries. But one morning I got some happy mail.

  • Lifestyle,  Slider

    Planner Addict

    My husband will gladly tell you that I own too many planners and notebooks and stationary products. I will tell you I don’t own enough of these things. I LOVE a good planner/notebook. There’s just something so therapeutic about having a nice clean notebook and letting yourself go that’s a bit addictive really. I enjoy being able to lay things out on paper and really see them in a way you can’t do on a phone or a laptop. I also find if I actually write something down I am at least 50% less likely to forget to do it.

  • Beauty,  Fashion,  Slider

    Wedding Anniversary Date Night

    I was really lucky that my wedding anniversary fell during my good week of last cycle. Tom and I celebrated out third year of marriage and were able to make it out for dinner at our local Cote Brasserie. We had a wonderful time at the meal, and I had such joy getting myself dressed and dolled up so thought I’d pop a post up with my face and outfit for fun. It felt really good to get dressed up and go out. I felt really good, put together and human.

  • Fashion,  Kids,  Lifestyle,  Slider

    A Mini Kids Clothing Haul

    This little post was just meant to be a little haul of some bits from John Lewis that my two lucky ducks got due to some birthday vouchers from their wonderful Great Uncle and a couple of added extras that their lovely Nana (my gorgeous mum) added on for them. Then, in the post arrived some belated (but, ever so appreciated) birthday gifts for my Biggest from a very wonderful family friend (Thank you Joy!) who had gotten her some really lovely bits in Debenham’s that I thought to myself “oh, i have GOT to stick those in that post”. Sorry about the lack of pic’s of the littlest modelling…

  • Family,  Kids,  Slider

    Face Painting Fun

    Chemo good weeks are for spending doing the sort of things I can’t do when I’m in the depths of it. They are treasured time, and during my last good week my gorgeous and I decided to try our hand at face painting. How hard can it be I thought? Well, the set of paints from Snazaroo (courtesy of Amazon Prime) were a bit dry and hard to work with, but we had so much fun!  I reckon the results were pretty good (well, for O anyway!) I managed to turn my girl into a beautiful fairy with lots of magical powers and she turned me into a cat… kind…

  • Cancer,  Mental Health,  Slider

    Riding The Cancer Wave

    This post is in honour of Mental Health Awareness. Cancer is a wave, it comes with many different points and if you tackle it at just the wrong point you’ll wipe out. Some days I hit the wave just perfectly, I ride on top of it. Bravely, feeling strong and in control. Like I got this. Others I wipe out and find that no matter how many times I try to get back up on my feet I find myself back flat on the surfboard under me, and on my worst days I lose the board and get stuck in a riptide under the water. Feeling like I’m drowning in…